The World Of Wearable Art, 2020

For the past three years preparing the latex wardrobe creations we submit to the World of Wearable Art competition, we are always amazed how quickly the time speeds by. One WOW competition ends, and it seems we are all-too-soon getting some things ready for the next. In keeping us all on the jump of things, we just …


A Talk With James Drury Of Fetish Map London

Just as we were tying up the year-end of the latex wardrobe world (and trying to predict what might be coming for 2020) we ran this blog on the Fetish Map, London, issue #10. That chock-full pamphlet for seen-and-be-scenters, kinksters, and even the mildly alternative fashion/event/city curious, had just been released and once again, we found it …


Valentine’s Day 2020

Here we go ‘round once more with roses, candy, and red latex lingerie. Valentine’s Day 2020 is upon us, and once again, we want to send out all the very best (and some naughty) wishes that everyone gets to enjoy the holiday the way they most wish to. And with the person, they most wish …


Couture and Statements At The 92nd Academy Awards

This year the haute couture seen at the 92nd Academy Awards was a night of silhouettes over skin and statements woven into style; alas, there were no latex styles on hand. Culture royalty walked the red carpet in their finest frockery, sat adoring one another during the three-hour-plus celebration, and partied the night away (and …


Working At The Atlanta Movie Studios

Making the headway we have in latex couture production, as much in fashion circles, as with bespoke orders and in various media, we are tickled pink to report moving ever further costuming for television and movie production. We’re not at liberty to reveal what show it is we are presently working on (you’ll be the …


Where OUR LATEX Kimono Began

As we mentioned a few blogs back, the Dawnamatrix Team is presently in Japan, soaking up the culture for life inspiration as much as for our latex couture. In addition to sightseeing and meeting up with friends, we will also be attending the Tokyo International Gift Show (TIGS), where I am actually going to be …


DawNAmatrix Latex in Vanity Fair’s 2020 Hollywood Issue

We are thrilled to report that a Dawnamatrix latex accessory is featured in this year’s Vanity Fair’s 2020 Hollywood Issue. With Hollywood notables like Jennifer Lopez, Antonio Banderas, Eddie Murphy, as well as newcomers, photographer Ethan James Green, set designer Julia Wagner and stylist Samira Nasr created another one-of-a-kind work-of-art issue. Shot last fall at …


Tokyo, New Zealand, America: Global Latex Trotting

I’m heading to Tokyo in the next weeks for some fresh inspiration on our latex couture…and life. We’re ready to soak in the Harajuku and cosplay culture, and, as they have in the past, the plum blossoms of early spring will surely greet us with their startling and colorful beauty. Stay tuned for some pictures …


The Handmaid’s Tale & Harley Quinn…So Inspiring

Fantasy fare is once again upon us and we say, ‘Let The Latex Couture Shine!’ The Handmaid’s Tale Season four release date dropped this week. The many fans of Margaret Atwood’s bestselling novel, and the Hulu series launched in 2017 from it, have been waiting on the edge of their seats since season three ended …


Aniston Freed!

In recent months it hasn’t as much been a piece of latex wardrobe or any alternative fashion accessory that has gained trending traction across the web. As to be expected, given the end-of-year-into-the-new Hollywood award season shows, pretty much haute couture is getting the most attention. Shows like The Golden Globes, and the upcoming Oscars …


Kendall + Kylie Do It Again ?

In trouble again, (and not even from wearing any latex couture), Kendall and Kylie Jenner are seemingly being sued over copyright infringement. According to T.M.Z., design company Klauber Brothers, Inc. claims that there is a Kylie thong panty currently being sold that uses one of Klauber Brother’s lace patterns on its waistband. There is also …


Sophie Simmons, Positive Influencer

There are ‘influencers’ in every facet of our modern world, from latex clothing to haute couture, to music and film, politics, to just about everything in between and beyond. Celebrities as much as Youtube stars post, earn viewers, cash from corporate sponsors, as much keeping to the pulse of the culture as lending it its …


New For 2020: Beyoncé & Amazon

Although there isn’t even a latex panty in sight, it seems Beyoncé and Amazon are amping-up their entry into fashion retailing for 2020. This first full week of the New Year Miss Bey ‘dropped’ a video of the Ivy Park x Adidas partnership she recently announced in an Elle Magazine piece. In this new promo …


Part 4: The New Year (and DEcade) @ Dawnamatrix

In the last few blogs we gave forth, on what passed by us in 2019 and during the past decade, in latex design and fashion culture, in general. It’s certainly a matter of personal conjecture what will hit, what will die, what will circle round again, and what might be coming for the future in …


“Working with Latex” from Catasta Charisma

U.K. latex artist/designer and certainly a world-class educator, Catasta Charisma has released a new manual for our most favorite material, Working with Latex.  If you are familiar with Charisma’s other guides, The Compendium of Rubber Garment Making, and his manual for the ultimate latex accessory The Hood, you know this is one fashion artisan who knows well of what …


Part 3: 2019 (and the past decade) Fashion Statements (and Questions?)

In our continuing coverage of past couture moments from 2019 and this decade, be they latex couture or not, here are some “fashion statements” and ‘questions’ both. Although we have been known to sell latex thongs, does anyone recall introducing their “Basic V Neck Ruched Front Thong Bodysuit” this past year? The ‘front thong’ …


2019 Fashions, Part 2: The Couture Relevancy Of Greta Gerwig’s ‘Little Women’

Keeping with the theme of important fashion moments and trends of 2019—although this one is not about latex couture—a late-in-the-year entry is making current news. Greta Gerwig’s soon-to-be-released Little Women is being cited as much for its excellent movie story-telling as its relevant fashion. The film’s costume designer, Jacqueline Durran, has employed what is called “prairie trend” style (also …


Latex Couture 2019, Part 1

In her fashion review of Paris haute couture spring lines, reported at the end of January, Venessa Friedman offered this question as her article’s title: Latex at Givenchy and Chaos at Margiela. Is This the New Oscar Dressing? Both houses revealed models walking the famous runway in various latex outfits and accessories. And so, it comes to that …


John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John: Grease Couture Redux

Although neither was wearing any latex couture, still, we can’t ignore that the costumes John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John wore at the finale of Grease iconic. In their matching leather jackets and John’s stunning (and tight) black silk leggings, when “Sandy” surprises “Danny” at the school fair at the end of the movie, she hits back at …


Fetish Map, LondoN

We hear words like ‘fetish,’ ‘alternative,’ ‘sexy’ and ‘underground’ bandied about so often making and selling the latex wardrobe we do. Happy to be included in any person’s day-to-day haute couture, their event wear, or even some midnight bedroom rendezvous, all we care about is that people enjoy what they wear, be it latex, cotton …


T.V. Costuming This Week: Mrs. Maisel & Jennifer Lopez

We can’t report on any latex couture managing center cultural stage this week. But with the return of Netflix’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and what Jennifer Lopez revealed on her 3rd SNL hosting, there was still plenty to consider in the world of T.V. costuming. Costume designer Donna Zakowska has had her hands full with pretty and …


Dawnamatrix In The Philadelphia Museum of Art book “Off the Wall: American Art to Wear.”

This article elaborates on WOW’s (The World Of Wearable Art) global importance in an academic context…and quite the global importance the competition holds. Our “Foreign Bodies” outfit, which was awarded the Overall International Design Award, International Award: Americas Winner at the WOW competition in 2018, makes an appearance in the book.  Designing bespoke latex, flattered …


Katy Perry Gets ‘Cozy’ For Christmas

There’s no denying that a little red latex for the holidays could make one appear either naughty or nice (or a little bit of both). In her new video for her original Christmas tune, “Cozy Little Christmas,” Katy Perry offers her own particular haute couture holiday sassiness with a bunch of different outfits and hairstyles, …


The DawnamaTrix ‘Black Friday through Cyber Monday Holiday Sale’

Joining in on all the mayhem and madness that is shopping this time of year, Dawnamatrix is offering a massive sale on our latex couture…right now! Our Black Friday through Cyber Monday Holiday Sale is live, and we invite you to check out all we are offering at our site: All you need do is …


Chasing Black Widow’s White Costume

Although PVC, not latex, we’ve still always had our eye on Black Widow’s costume. It’s been difficult to ignore the shapely sexy Scarlett Johansson since we first met the onscreen persona of Natalia Alianova “Natasha” Romanova in The Avengers. Now we learn Marvel Studios Director of Visual Development Andy Park is planning two new costumes for …


Kelly Clarkson Visits The Voice From The Future

Video diva’s costume designs made of latex, superhero outfits of tight sexy PVC, the infiltration of ‘smart clothing,’; the future is now where fashion is concerned. As aware of possible trends coming as exploring the latest in 3D rendering and laser cutting, here at Dawnamatrix, we are as concerned as any other fashionista in what’s …


World Of Wearable Art U.S. Embassy Video

Winning with your latest latex couture creation reaps multiple benefits when that win happens to come at WOW. As we have seen now for the past three years in a row, having competed in the World Of Wearable Art event and come away with awards each time, the New Zealand mainstay global fashion meet maintains a strong …


About Time: Fashion and Duration

Not that latex couture slips into it all that often, still one of the fashion world’s yearly highlights is the annual Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute’s exhibition. And as a premier textile art event, we wanted to report that The Met just announced that this year’s exhibition will be called “About Time: Fashion and …


Stepping Into The Haus Of Gaga, Las Vegas

A few blogs back, we bragged about contributing some latex accessories (gloves to be exact) to a Lady Gaga Haus Of Gaga video campaign. Well, just recently, we had occasion to stop in the Hause Of Gaga store at the Park MGM in Las Vegas. Lady Gaga’s “Enigma” residency shares the Park MGM’s Park Theatre with Aerosmith’s …


Happy Latex Halloween

Searching far and wide for the very best celebrity latex Halloween costumes (or even just what they might have accessorized with) is always such a treat. In our last blog, we reported on Heidi Klum’s upcoming 2019 All Hallow’s creation. Through 12 hours of a public transformation, the 46-year-old supermodel revealed herself finally as a …


Halloween Heidi (KLUM), 2019

For all of us, regular folks, even budding fetish fashionistas, the latex, lace, PVC, and all manner of Halloween styles will be unveiled tomorrow. The celebrities in our universe, though, get to it a bit earlier, most starting last weekend, Friday, 10/25. At the many see-and-be-scenes, our best and brightest were out and about Instagramming …



Reading this blog as you are right now, you may have noticed some changes to our latex designs. Well, not specifically to our wardrobe choices, although we are ever adding and updating the Dawamatrix catalog, but to our website. We recently underwent an overhaul of our online presence and feel we are now showing off …



Latex couture, copious body paint, and lots of skin (male and female); once again, NYC Comic Con 2019 did not disappoint. Very much filled to the brim with cosplayers, like Dragon Con in Atlanta that we recently attended (see here), what seemed to come across loud and clear at the Jacob Javits Convention Center 10/3-10/6 …
