
Hector Diaz & His Geek Q Website Gives Dawnamatrix ‘Props’ From Seattle Fashion Week

As humbly as we dare declare, Dawnamatrix made quite an impact on the men and women at Seattle Fashion Week (and they on us) many of whom told us that they were seeing latex clothing for the first time. It’s always nice to show-off our wardrobe pieces, talk fetish/fantasy designs, but it’s as equally thrilling to open eyes as well as tickle sensibilities to what can be done with the material we love so much.

Furthermore our connection to the fashionistas at the SFW is fully illustrated by the great write-up Hector Diaz gave us on his “Geek Q” website. Here is the snippet from Hector’s blog, a blog no fashionista should do without:

Getting’ Excited By Suicide Squad…A Whole Half A Year Away

Though criticism has already been leveled at Delevingne’s bikini (where do we ever see Enchantress really ever show so much skin?) and Jared Leto’s Joker’s tats have been blogged about incessantly, we’ve already seen plenty of Suicide Squad cosplay…with so many baddies on screen, this is a film just bursting with possibilities really. Can we even count how many young women wore hot short pink shorts and pony tails at last year’s Comic-Con?; this year’s Comic Cons and Halloween 2016 will certainly see even more men, women and kids dressing-up as the Squad. Supporting a costume design/wardrobe department that IMDB lists as forty three person strong, we alt. cinema wardrobe lovers are salivating over Suicide Squad…and all the news we get about it.

Dawnamatrix Latex Colonial Flag In CR Fashion Book 8

The theme of this particular issue of CR is “Made in America,” which Dawnamatrix clothing certainly is. Yes, we enjoy a global reputation we work very hard to maintain, but we have always been proud that our latex production comes from the U.S. Selling our latex clothing around the world, participating in runway shows and fetish events across many continents, culling fans and friends from the four corners and enjoying a good relationship with many other latex designers world wide, even living and studying in Japan as we have, we have always considered ourselves citizens of the world. But born in American, working here, certainly identifying as an American designer, we are as proud to be recognized for what we make, as from where we make it.

If It’s Happening On The Street, It’s Happening On The Runway

The ‘streetwear’ aesthetic is nothing new of course. But with the much acclaimed Kanye “Yeezy Season 3” show at Madison Square Garden at the just past New York Fashion week, the French label Vetements pieces being seen across runways in France’s capital, Rihanna creating oversized hoodies and “deconstructed” sweats for her Fenty x Puma collection, and fashionista audiences sitting at shows in ripped jeans and tee’s, the time is now for a decided non-haute couture look.

Games of Thrones Season 6 Trailer Hits.

From costume fashionistas, to rabid Home Box Office viewers, to just those that like to see actors like Lena Headley, Jason Momoa and so many others strut their stuff in headdresses, leather jerkins, masks and quite often no clothes at all, the popular GoT has been the very best show to enjoy. Gold armor, leather accessories, various tunics, pants…we’ve been on about the show before and how it tickles fans of cosplay and fetish costuming. And being a latex designer, it’s hard not to as much watch the proceedings as a fan as salivating over just what new design might be turned out from costume designer Michele Clapton or what of our favorites will be seen again.

Seattle Fashion Week Designer Expose

Certainly a way for Seattle Fashion Week to support, celebrate, and showcase the tremendous work their designers put in for their spring show collection pieces, this free public event welcomes a very casual exchange of interest and retail. Cameras are encouraged, as is a talking with designers as much as truly looking over their couture fashion. Attending a fashion show, one doesn’t usually get the chance to get so close to the clothes, let alone talk with a designer, or even get to buy what they see right at the moment. This Designer Exposé is unique in this way as it encourages a real connection between designer and fashionista, fan and just the curious.

Jenny Beavan Leather’s-Up The Oscars

Yes, once again we saw no latex bodysuits or accessories walking the red carpet, but there was one true alternative wardrobe moment at this year’s Oscars. Worn by none other than 2016 Academy Award winner for Best Costume Design, Jenny Beavan-winning for her work “Mad Max: Fury Road”-Beavan paid homage to her film by wearing a leather jacket sporting the film’s skull logo on its back. Claiming to press backstage at the broadcast that she absolutely” does not wear heels and “I look ridiculous in a beautiful gown.” Beavan certainly represented the rebel in us all, if only ultimtaley for her comfort, and didn’t look anything like the “bag lady,” Stephen Fry claimed she did.

Celebrity Couture For Causes…This Week

Though none are wearing latex clothing to better their causes, Pam Anderson, Caitlyn Jenner and Christian Siriano seem to be marrying a message with their latest fashion work. Jenner has partnered with a major makeup company helping to fight AIDS and further transgender causes. Anderson showed lots of herself (not that that’s unusual in and of itself) for vegan shoes and famed fashion designer Siriano is looking to bring awareness to global water problems at this year’s Oscars.

Objects of Desire

We told you to look out for the book Objects Of Desire, with our latex clothing appearing across a few of its pages (see here): the book has just been published, and we are here to report it is wonderful. Writer Rita Catinella Orrell and visual artist Jason Scuderi, created the over 200-page hard cover showcasing the modern design of adult products, jewelry and clothing (this is where Dawnamatrix haute couture fits in) as well as interviewing notables in the field of sex. Their book is a stunning achievement, as every bit a feast for eye as it is intellect.

Supatex Site Relaunch

Supatex is the fashion division of 4D Rubber. Based in Derbyshire England, 4D has been a leader in rubber sheeting and rubber clothing for over half a century. Their unique manufacturing processes has created for both companies the consistent possibility of a wide color range, more secure bonding and the very best in shine, tear strength and stretch. And as we all well know, these are particular factors those of us who wear/make/enjoy latex and rubber find very important indeed.

Dawnamatrix At The 2016 Grammys

Ok, we didn’t exactly make it to the stage, nor were any of our latex outfits dripping off any of the divas of the day. Yes, we would have loved to have accessorized Z LaLa’s whip dress or added some David Bowie-inspired latex bling for Lady Gaga’s tribute. But where our couture was seen Monday night is probably just as important as being on the actual Grammy broadcast, at least when it comes to advertising dollars. It seems a newer Covergirl “Plumpify Mascara” 60 second spot, starring Katy Perry wearing our Skater Dress and inflatable skirt, was shown during Monday night’s music celebration commercials.

Musicians Make New York Fashion Week 2016 ‘Alternative’?

New York Fashion Week, as is true of Mila, London, Paris, is not about presenting the latest in latex corsets, challenging the status quo with a fetish model strutting down the runway, and certainly pushes celebrity sightings now more than high couture. An though we can’t expect to find our next bespoke naughty outfit in any of these fashion weeks, still each year we do dream that just maybe a old school designer, or maybe even a Kanye or a RiRi might try something slightly daring…and of course affordable.

UNLEASHED Amsterdam 5th Anniversary Party

The sponsors of these European parties read like a Who’s Who of alt. design makers and shakers, with Marquis Magazine, DeMasK Amsterdam, INSOMNIA-Nightclub and Pleasurements just some of the names on a long list of UNLEASHED sponsors. And as always spectacular star D,J.’s will pump music throughout the venue, the crowd is sure to get close, heated and twirl with abandon and UNLEASHED promises their usual mix of international performing talent and even a rubber clothing fashion show sometime during the night.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Is A Hot Topic

We all know Victorian-era clothing is just perfect for dress-up possibilities and seeing as Seth Grahame-Smith’s 2009 parody story mashed-up Jane Austin with flesh eaters, we get comely lasses in lace and petticoats dispatching monsters across a blood-soaked English countryside. But what the ladies of the time wear under their outfits is what most interests Hot Topic here, as they have managed to produce a new line of unmentionables for fans of the movie…or just ladies who wish some extra special dressing-up under their everyday wardrobes.

The 2016 Barbie Might Just Surprise You

She’s still not sporting any latex accessories, but the 2016 Barbie, as just announced from its maker Mattel, certainly is seeing some interesting modernizing. And it’s not so much the cars, planes or even the fantasy wardrobe the doll is getting anew, as it is options in body types that makes this year’s plastic lady so interesting.

Latex in Decay: Dawnamatrix meets James Kerwin

James has traveled widely to undisclosed and out-of-bounds locales capturing the decay of often stunning locations for nearly 3 years now. On one of these ‘typical’ outings recently James went out to shoot a series of images for designers in abandoned locations across Europe. In October 2015 this adventurous/adventuring photographer approached us to shoot our latex fashion design in some of these deserted locations. The stunning pictures you see here are the results from a weekend of image making, climbing and driving for James and his two models Jade Stacy Maria & Sadie Ann​.

KIKI Is Coming To Vogue For You

Very much how the infamous documentary Paris Is Burning did a quarter of a century ago, the KIKI story takes off now twenty five years later, revealing a group of young adults trying their best to develop a ‘safe space’ at their fashion and dance balls. The men who appeared in “Paris” were self-proclaimed drag queens, showing as much of their homemade frocks as they did their ability to vogue in ways Madonna could never have imaged (in fact Voguing house dancing began in the 80’s Harlem ballroom scene well before Madonna appropriated it for her 1990 hit and “Paris” featured it with such aplomb the same year); KIKI as much shows the evolution of voguing as it does delve deep into LGBT gender identity in the modern age.

Objects of Desire: A Showcase of Modern Erotic Products and the Creative Minds Behind Them.

Authors Rita Catinella Orrell and designer Jason Scuderi have created a luscious hard cover here of items one could certainly seriously desire. Scuderi and Orrell contacted us about a year ago and with photographer Paul Allan shooting the pictures (we have worked plenty with the super talented Mr. Allan before) we brought to life the Dawnamatrix style of latex fashion for the book’s Fashion and Jewelry section.

David Bowie Icon: A Personal Reminisce

From the flaxen haired folk troubadour, to pushing past the boundaries of androgyny (and more or less inventing glam rock) with his spaceman alter ego Ziggy Stardust (certainly influencing some of own ‘space oddity’ styles & . to pursuing Orwellian soundscapes as a Diamond Dog, then mining “Philly Soul” as the emaciated Thin White Duke (a period in his life where Bowie himself said he was scared by what he was becoming), to celebrating the synth laden dark tonalities of “Krautrock,” to all his acting, producing, writing songs for others, laying down the price of “Fame” with John Lennon, to selling stock in his songwriting royalties seeing well into the digital age and then releasing brilliant albums this century, up to his last Blackstar, released just last week on the man’s 69th birthday, containing all too prophetic songs like “Lazarus” (see the video embedded here…and Bowie just broke Vevo’s music video record) really is there anybody better then David Bowie?

Kim Kardashian Wants Dawnamatrix…and We Want Her Right Back

The continued championing of alternative wardrobe pieces and avant-garde style accessories keeps brands like Dawnamatrix to the forefront of modern fashion. Celebs wearing our wares, even just a mention from a Kim Kardashian, is some of the very best advertising we could ever hope for. These moments for us specifically, married with the upward trajectory general mainstreaming of latex in the past few years-from reported cosplay wear to celebs like Kim strutting in bodysuits across red carpets, to styles seen in “American Horror Story”-has truly made latex so popular.

Yes, Sometimes ‘Alternative’ Fashion Means…Sex

A latex catsuit, rubber clothing, fantasy costuming is damn sexy and is used often for characterizations of naughtiness that can range from coy expressions of sexuality, to outright kink and fetishes. It all works for us, from the high couture to the tie-me-up-for-a-spanking scene (in real life or film); like you all, we are just tickled when the latex is brought out, in any way it can be!

The sexiness of an ‘alternative’ wardrobe, non mainstream fashion is seen time and again (so much so in fact that many a layman fashionista-if there can be such a person-often comes to link latex/rubber/PVC clothing as being always about something sexual) as we have reported often and is seen in stark example on the new Showtime offering Billions.

Making The Scene With A Magazine: 2015’s Top Fashionable Covers

The Kardashian/Jenner corporation made plenty of waves in print, as well as on the net (or one because/feeding the other): there was Caitlyn Jenner’s debut on the cover of and in Vanity Fair and Kylie Jenner posing for those controversial wheelchair “Interview” mag pics…in a photoshoot that saw her posed as the famous Hatstand/Table and Chair sculpture, as much as wearing some Dawnamatrix fantasy outfit accessories.

Dawnamatrix, Katy Perry and U.S. Vogue

Our excitement over Katy Perry wearing out latex couture in the new Covergirl “Plumpify” Mascara commercial continues. We have just learned that a print add from the commercial-showing Dawnamatrix couture-has appeared in a two-page spread in the January 2016 issue of U.S. Vogue.

Dawnamatrix Inflates Katy Perry For Covergirl’s “Plumpify”

We were contacted by stylist Andrew Richardson over the summer to create a larger-than-life look for the “Fireworks” singer, pieces as sexy as they were unusual, for a Covergirl “Plumpify Mascara” commercial. Dressing a woman known for her outrageous and innovative fantasy costume designs, someone who can straddle both the sexy and the silly, a pop star of infinite different looks and persona, we knew we had to bring the very best to this assignment and take the word “Plumpify” to a whole new level.

LOVE Magazine’s Advent Calendar Tickles Us Close

Yes, the upcoming Pirelli calendar is getting lots of press-and the women posing in that famous Italian fashion export are not even nude this year or even wearing latex outfits-it’ the annual LOVE Magazine Advent calendar that seems to be earning the most attention for its salacious content. With their pictures and videos of scantily clad celeb ladies rounding out their month of days, we see lots of high-waisted panties and bra sets, dangling garters (or those attached to stockings) model Zendaya going way out in a 2001: A Space Odyssey homage and Pamela Anderson (the last woman to appear completely nude in “Playbo0y” magazine actually) in classic black 50’s lingerie. Kendall Jenner even walks through video fire in her own stocking and garter set while wearing various fur coats.

Tina Fey & Poehler Have The Last Laugh On #squadgoals

Superstars in their own right, funny ladies Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and some heavy weight celeb lady friends (like Amy Schumer) took on the idea of squadgoals in an SNL parody of Swift’s “Bad Blood” video when the Golden Globes/”Sisters” movie pair hosted Saturday Night Live just this past week. Called “Tina & Amy’s Dope Squad” the video included appearances from Fey and Poehler’s gynecologist (yes, they actually go to the same lady parts doctor) their nannies, the afore mentioned Schumer and even Robert Downey Sr. in their hilarious send-up (see here.)

Margaret Cho Officially Joins E!’s Fashion Police…might we see some latex?

Now this might turn out to be fun…and we might even get to see some latex couture in the process. Margaret Cho has just been announced as the new co-host of E!’s ‘Fashion Police.’ Joining Melissa Rivers, Guiliana Rancic and Brad Goresky, the commediane will be dissing celebrity couture right after the Golden Globe’s telecast. …


A Christmas “Jumper”, A Sweater, Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off: Celebrate National Ugly Sweater Day

here exists an organization and website to support the celebration tomorrow. You can read about how to exactly participate in the day, buy a sweater from various vendors listed on the site, but best of all you can make a donation to the ‘Make The World Better With A Sweater’ Campaign for the Save The Children charity, go here:

Montreal Fetish Weekend 2015, Saturday Night Fashion Show Video

During our presentation (seen in the video here) our models got to play out a full narrative, complete with music and special effects in what we called “The Harbingers of Fantasy.” Created exclusively for this year’s MFW, with clothes we were premiering during the weekend, our models Holy Scar, The Richard, Hailey Louise, Kerri Taylor, Brian Gashlin, Shamz, Tish Marie, and Nancy Tigress walked among lights, music and all manner of drama strutting and showcasing our couture. It was a spacey interactive play, with no dialogue but plenty of sure meaning and lots of grand latex costuming.

Dawnamatrix @ Seattle Fashion Week 2016

Seattle’s fashion week showcases what we have always known, but have come to see on a daily basis now living in the Pacific Northwest: there is an impressive cluster of local designers in this area of the U.S. creating unique pieces for a very discerning clientele. Yes, rain proof and warmth are big concerns with couture here, but seeing that Seattle is #8 in the Top 20 US Metros for Fashion Designers, one could guess that people here have come to expect a lot more than just warmth and staying dry in what they wear.

Behind the Scenes, Before Kylie Jenner-Part 3

We’d like to profess some acute forethought that the Kylie Jenner Interview Magazine piece would make such a splash…that we’d know it would even court controversy as we reported in our last blog. But when Interview contacted us they did not mention who we would be dressing, nor did they let us in on the concept photographer Steven Klein was planning, a homage to Hatstand, Table and Chair. But as is our want, we did manage a bit of research over the particular garments we were sending and low and behold it became apparent that we were contributing to a pop art legacy. Little did we know until we saw the pictures this week that the living doll to be used here was none other than Kylie Jenner and that the pictures would turn out as wonderful as they did…with so much of our stuff used!

Controversy, Celebrity and a Wheelchair; Kylie Jenner’s Interview Magazine Photos, Part 2.

Well, we made “The View”…or at least a mention of our latex clothing did. Concerning the new Kylie Jenner
Interview Magazine” photos, Whoppi and the ladies hit on not only how sexy the pictures of Kylie were (Raven-Symoné cried out “Her ass was out!” in effect calling-out the Dawnamatrix “cheeky skirt” Kylie was wearing) but the controversy that is currently airing about the fact that Kylie appears in some of the pictures sitting in a wheelchair.

Dawnamatrix, Kylie Jenner and Interview Magazine pay homage to Hatstand, Table, and Chair

Photos of Kylie Jenner posing in bondage gear, lying in a box, being held in a rigid ‘chair like’ pose, certainly pay homage to Allen Jones infamous Hatstand, Table and Chair trio of erotic sculptures. As with lots that tickles our more prurient sensibilities (even if it be high art) Jones’ pieces were met with harsh criticism when exhibited in 1970-lots of feminists simply did not take well to women being portrayed as furniture-but have to come to be regarded as a high water mark of 60’s expression. Jones was even contacted by Stanley Kubrick at the time to contribute similar pieces to Kubrick’s soon-to-be-completed A Clockwork Orange (a high water mark for fetishists to be sure) but when no payment was offered Jones demurred, instead giving the famous director permission to expand on Hatstand, Table and Chair’s concept in his own Kubrick-ian furniture for the Korova Milk Bar scene in Clockwork.

Dawnamtarix @ Seattle Fashion Week 2016

In our world the belted knee-length classic Macintosh trenchoat (or “Mac” as they call it in the U.K…certainly the fashionista there sees lots of rain!) low heeled pointed toe boots and a body conforming dress over leggings keeps the cold and damp at bay. But one shouldn’t forget what we feel will be top trends come the New Year; florals, structure garments and bold colors. Luckily our wardrobe pieces do sport fantastically vibrant colors and deeply rendered textures, all of which we will show with the “bright and impermeable” theme we are planning for SFW runway.

Working With WinterWolf

The fine-art photography company WinterWolf formed in 2005 and has been known for creating fantastical images ever since. Kelly is especially adept at providing glimpses of unusual beauty in colorful fairytale worlds…as can be seen in the photos here. Most acclaimed for her creative female portraiture, Winter is also available to hire for a wide range of photography work including baby as well as senior photography, editorials, commercial work, weddings…and as you see here, modeling. She wears our Butterfly Mermaid Gown, with makeup by Ruby Randall in the shot where she models for us; Miss Mischief models our Marble Underwire Gown in the other.