
L’Officiel Singapore Magazine and Dawnamatrix!

Stylist Amy Mach contacted us to pull garments for a shoot for November’s L’Officiel Singapore Magazine. Traveling to Japan as we were this was a perfect opportunity to feature Dawnamatrix in a startling beautiful high-end publication while we paired with equally high-end designers. The model featured in the pictorial, Hailey Clausen is “the face of Gucci” and to say we were thrilled have our wares in the shoot with Louboutin, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, etc. would be a monumental understatement.

Sophia Loren, Jayne Mansfield & Keira Knightley Are Revealing

With Keira Knightley posing topless in Interview Magazine to protest photo-shopping one tends to forget that way back when it was hard to manipulate a picture. And to be sure, a photo could become iconic simply because, unlike today, half a century ago there weren’t half naked selfies being posted every day. But whether Mansfield would have popped out or even did later out of camera range, one fact is true today and it was then: some of us are certainly more daring in what we wear, no matter if what we are wearing is daring or not.

Heidi Klum Spreads Her Butterfly Wings

Klum’s annual bash, this year presented at Tao Nightclub on Halloween night, is a must-be-seen-scene. Completely covering herself in blue and green, Klum sported an impressive semi-opaque wing span and antennas for this once-a-year bash that always seems to make the big blogs’ lists. And while 2014’s All Hallows saw Kim Kardashian sporting a body suit with a skeleton design rendered across it (reminding us of our own Cthulhu Catsuit), Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady headed out with their kids as a dragon family and Katy Pery managed to step out as a rather unimpressive Cheeto®, when it comes to celebs dressing as butterflies this year we were particularly interested. Butterfly’s lighted on our new Space and Time Collection, represented in a new bodysuit, corset, skirt and vest. It’s a style that interests more than just supermodels for Halloween.

Miley Cyrus & Bondage Chic

Miley is a young woman seemingly hell bent on twerking her way to a Disney disconnect. We have all seen her consistent Instagram posts, her provocative (and very ‘stripped down’) videos and live performances, but this week the 21 year old singer sported a Tom Ford-designed creation of sheer top with crisscross sequin straps just covering her breasts and a long black skirt. Fashion fans and critics jumped on the look, describing the outfit as ‘bondage inspired’ (as if even any of us know what that means really) and Miley got tons of mileage from the pics of her at the event.
We have strategically strapped halters, revealing cleavage tops, and a goodly amount of sheer and transparent panels (see here , here and here) but we dare think that the fetish/kink/whatever-inspired seems to be is in the eye of the wearer when it comes to mainstream couture. Interestingly enough, at this same gala, fetish model queen Dita Von Teese was sporting a simple satin head-to-toe length satin gown with no hint of any alternative wardrob-ing. How’s that for fashion irony?

Beyoncé & Topshop

Dawnamatrix supporter Beyoncé is not the only modern-day performer to partner with/create a fashion label or dabble in accessories. Less we forget Rihanna working with River Island, Madonna and her daughter Lourdes’ “Material Girl” selling at Macy’s; the list of pop and fashion working business models and creating brands together grows daily. In fact, it seems these days one isn’t a pop singer or famous personality without, at the very least, supporting or hawking for a couture label, creating a new collection with a fashion designer or developing a whole new brand.

Chanel Rocks Pop

Just last week Chanel No.5 revealed their new mini movie starring Gisele Bündchen. Directed by Baz “Moulin Rouge” Luhrmann the mini film got lots of press. There are such scrumptious shots of an equally scrumptious Gisele surfing, prancing, smiling-as you’d expect investing magic to every scene she is in-one almost forgets why they are watching the five minute plus video. Now comes the news that Karl Lagerfeld snapped-up happy hat wearer Pharrell Williams for the next Chanel flick (Pharrell stars with Cara Delevinge and Hudson Kroenig and a spate of dancers) which was shot last week. It’s big business marrying pop music stars with fashion these days-(did you happen to see Taylor Swift on the cover of UK Vogue for November?)-but Chanel seems to truly be ‘upping the ante’ in the mainstream haute couture world.


From our new Space and Time collection an obvious choice to celebrate this time of year would just have to be our Cthulhu Catsuit (see here). Has there ever really been anybody better at the macabre in literature (other than dear old Edgar Allan) then H.P. Lovecraft? This sexy tight outfit adorned with the infamous Lovecraftian creation is sure to get your fellow Halloween partiers talking.

Music & Fashion on The Midnight Special

There’s a just released 5-disc box set of the show that’s flown by our notice these past few days. Yes, team Dawnamatrix is a few years younger than when this network rock show was in its heyday but we can’t ignore the fashion of the times…in the music heard here and the actual fashions the performers are wearing. From John Denver in plum-colored jeans and flowery shirt, Linda Ronstadt in her macramé shawl, Aretha Franklin seemingly sporting a different color Afro show to show and wide lapels on brightly colored jackets on just about everyone, it’s impossible to ignore all the fantastic stage frockery as it is great to here classic rock, R&B and country songs performed live (no lip syncing here.)

American Horror Story Is Freaking Us Out

This 4th year of the popular American Horror Story series is set in the world of a 1952 freak show carnival and what a cast of oddities we will be getting. The first episode we met Dot and Bette, Sarah Paulson’s two-headed sister character; wild stuff indeed. Jessica Lange’s character is hiding some interesting secrets this time around and she seemed to channel Marlene Dietrich when singing David Bowie’s “Life On Mars” on the premier (see here: Kathy Bates is a bearded lady, there is a man with lobster claw hands and so many more ‘freaks’ coming in the episodes ahead.

To Wear And Not To Wear: Game of Thrones Films Infamous Scene

There’s lots going on with this shaming of Cersei, it’s a very powerful moment from the George R.R. Martin book series. As has already been evidenced and applauded by fans of GOT, the scene will probably play out rather faithful to the book as the H.B.O. series so far has been very accurate to Martin’s vision. Viewers are certainly in for something that will make headlines when it airs, as much or more so than just talking about the scene being filmed now is making news.

Miss Bey Has a Malfunction

The most famous one had to be Janet Jackson’s at the Superbowl…although who knows if Justin Timberlake grabbing her top off to reveal her nipple encircled/pierced boob was a true wardrobe malfunction. But when it happens to Beyoncé, Miss Bey, the reigning queen diva, to be sure a wardrobe malfunction is going to make news. …


Dawnamatrix @ The Boston Latino Fashion Expo

At the Boston Latino Fashion Expo we had the singular pleasure of presenting what we felt (and were told later) was a truly unique couture line, thrilled that our new Space and Time Collection found the warm reception that it did. Let’s face it, Latex Couture is not not everyone’s taste, and to see our latest wares garner such positive reaction, far and away from the likes of a Montreal Fetish Weekend or the like, is very heartening indeed.

Dawnamatrix and The Pratt Institute

There is no doubt we exploited our VMA Beyoncé experience (read here) about as best as we could, proud of it all as we were. Blogging, P.R-ing, and yes bragging about that fun and furious work, supplying the pop/R&B diva’s dancers with latex outfits for her end-of-show show-stopping performance this year was one of the highlights …


Blood Manor, NYC

Surely Halloween is more than a month away but attractions, scary hay rides and haunts all through-out America are gearing-up for opening or putting on their last coat of stage make-up. Here at Dawnamatrix some of our couture is created strictly for costuming (see here), so we love to see new and inventive Halloween wardrobes and of course who doesn’t love ghouls, sexy witches and the ubiquitous bloody zombie? With all of the above in mind, let me tell you about NYC’s Blood Manor.

Dita Von Teese in NYC

Dita must have stock in Swarovski. She cavorted in a head-to-toe pink Swarovski crystal, twirling sparkling six shooters, a bejeweled cowgirl Stetson and custom Christian Louboutin “Lou-BOOT-ins” (with shiny spurs) and matching pink bustier and girdle, stripping down to ride a mechanical bull pretty much unlike anyone you have ever seen ride it; she stripped out of a Alexis Mabille super sexy tight tux revealing a custom-made corset by Mr. Pearl, then got down to pasties and panties to splash in sparkling water in a Swarovski encrusted super-sized martini glass (this was actually the piece that opened the show); swung round her newly added “Bird Cage” piece, as water rained down her raven hair and she ended the show in a blood red Swarovksi gown of Cheongsam design (and we know all about Cheongsam and Asian influences, see our kimonos here) stripping in an opulent draped Opium Den set piece where hands jutted through to caress Dita in ways we were all envious of.

Wearable Tech Fashion

From the Ralph Lauren Polo Tech tee at the U.S. Open this year to Apple’s Watch wrist-computer (and Motorola Android devices and Samsung Electronics just like it) to Sensoria’s upcoming smart sock (and bras and shirt) ‘smart’ wearables with their pedometers, blood monitors and winking illuminations seem to be the coming thing for fashion. Whether it is the true invasion of technology or art in America (made in other places for sure) all these designs, gadgets and meters built into our clothes are surely the coming thing, as they have already come to us.

Fashion Rocks 2014

The New York Fashion Week charity star-studded Fashion Rocks hit Barclays Center in Brooklyn this past Tuesday night. What with the VMA’s just past, the Emmys too, it seems we are as much inundated with these affairs this time of year as any other. But if you can’t be drawn-in by super models and pop music then you probably are pretty much sleeping through 2014.

“What Dawnamatrix Did On Our Summer Vacation: Montreal Fetish Weekend 2014: Presenting Our new Space & Time Collection

We created a story with the runway presentation of Space & Time, where fashion became a seductive dark fantasy but all was made ‘right’ when spirits in butterfly latex came to rescue us all, leaving us in a magical world full of color and light. The hair and makeup here was by the super talented Eva Guida and our stunning models were.: Veronique Marcoux, Nea Dune, Holy Scar, Lalka Dollar Doll, July August and Crimson Heavens.

Celebrating Joan Rivers

Let’s face it, making it to 81 is an accomplishment. But working all the way up to pretty much your last days and having contributed a consistent, topical and always-so-funny view to the world, not to mention fulfilling the true promise of Art in America, well we should consider the passing of Joan Rivers in a very big way.

Some Non-Dawnamatrix 2014 VMA Fashions

Yes, more happened at the VMA’s on Sunday night then just Beyoncé’s dancers wearing Dawnamatrix outfits. The very next night actually saw the Emmy award show telecast and to be sure there were some ladies there rocking some amazing couture (a much older crowd, the order of the day seems to be gowns, where anything seems to go with the VMA hip hop hop hop hop-ier set.) We thought it might be good to take a last look at the fashions from the 2o14 VMA’s

Beyoncé & Dawnamatrix at the VMA's, The After Show P.R.

Serofonte called Dawnamatrix and ordered 68 garments in total for the Beyoncé’s VMA outing, including garter belts and stockings, vintage bra and panty girdle sets, all made of high grade latex. Having previously been commissioned by Covergirl to make pieces for Pink and Katy Perry, Dawnamatrix is no stranger to working with pop stars or supplying outfitsand accessories to award shows. This order for Beyoncé’s performance was the culmination of five years of hard work the Boston-based alternate fashion company has been putting into their brand.

Dawnamatrix and Beyoncé at the 2014 VMA’s: Perfect Together

Beyoncé’s stylist, Marni Serofonte just ordered 71 garments from us for Miss Bey’s 16 dancers for Sunday’s VMA’s! We’re deep in the work zone as you can no doubt expect (and with our new line coming out at the end of the month at Montreal Fetish Weekend, plus regular customer orders we were pretty busy to begin with) but to say we are thrilled with this honor would be the understatement of the summer. We have worked with pop divas before. Pink and Katy Perry instantly come to mind, and we have had our designs on hand for big events, from fashion shows to music award ceremonies but the VMA’s is pretty much an alternative fashion designer’s dream. And getting our latex unmentionables this close to a star of Beyoncé’s caliber is absolutely thrilling.

"Are We Not Men?" We Are Kardashian

So, Kim Kardashian is going to publish (a hardcover) book of selfies. It seems she has saved a number of pictures that simply did not make the grade for her Instangram account and she’s even hinted that a few of the sexier shots she sent to Kayne back in the day may be included.

Judianna Makovksy; Art in America From An American

It’s just neat to read about and get to know the people who truly are artisans behind the camera making these fantastic films. I know from my own POV I am jazzed anytime I see an actor or actress don a mask, slip on a pair of boots, tickle their behind into some latex. But I also know someone is there to render those costumes as well as fit the performer in them. And one of those people is the wonderfully talented American costume designer Judianna Makovksy.

Let’s talk models, shall we?

The flyer image here was taken by photographer/magazine CEO Erik Von Gutenberg (see his site, magazine, couture here. This model in this show-Kerri Taylor- is just one of the women we have hired to show-off our new line and we’ve announced all of the ladies this week over on our Facebook page:
The ladies we are thrilled to be working with this year are Nea Dune, Holy Scar, Kerri Taylor, who we have worked with before and Véronique Marcoux, Ramsessa Eros, Paisley Lauren, Carl-André Girard, Crimson Heavens Mira LaFleur and July August.

Curve Expo, Lingerie & Swim Show NYC

I liked how more than a few designers-Baci comes instantly to mind-were showcasing ‘alternative’ couture in lingerie. Designing what we do we often find that lots of designers appropriate the label ‘alternative’ simply because they may have incorporated a bit of latex here, created a overtly naughty piece of lingerie there. But as we all know it is a matter of perspective really what is and is not alternative. It’s the old one’s man’s meat is another man’s latex jodhpur quandary.

Paul Allan Shoots Tina Mari For The New Dawnamatrix Line

Paul Allan is currently shooting model Tina Mari (with HMUA being done by Ashley Novak) for our new line. Tina Mari is a Playboy Miss Social Contest Winner and a pro of the highest order who we have used before (see her CCG page here). Here all her appearances previously in our catalog.

Celebs In Costume At Comic-Con

There was Daniel Radcliffe dressed as Spider-Man, not hiding from Voldemort but more from fans. Peter Jackson was a scary black-and-white jester (he posted some Facebook pics of himself following someone wearing “The Hobbit” T-shirt) and Jack Black went as a storm trooper claiming he simply wanted to be left alone to buy action figures. Game of Thrones Maisie Williams sported a Guy Fawkes mask on the floor then later at a party wore a Ryan Jude Novelline dress made of graphic novel pages. She’s worn this dress before, but it was no less impressive her second time out.

Andrew Rannells in Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Hedwig, with his East German vibe and suffering a botched sex change is an altogether alternative animal of a totally different stripe and one that can’t be caged in any true category. Even if all you court is a smidgen of alternate theatre/fashion sensibility you are going to love this show…no matter if Rannells or Patrick Harris is starring. There is a true feeling of audience immersion in the main character’s story and a grab-you-and-never-let-go immediacy to this play that one can’t ignore.

Dear Sweet Lost Marilyn

Thomas “Doc” Kaminski was hired to ‘document’ the making of “The Misfits” movie (his black and whites are stunning against a desert landscape). Make-up artist Allan “Whitey” Snyder became close friends with Monroe and many of his stunning candid shots were on display. The “Color Photographer’s Wonder Boy” Milton Greenehad big posed shots here. Sound engineer and ‘guerrilla’ photographer Lani Carlson had a celebrated picture of Monroe standing in front of a double-her-size top sheet of sheet music bearing her name (and other shots) and photographer Mischa Pelz’s contribution was truly ‘unearthed’ after an earthquake hit Southern California when Pelz’s assistant discovered them in a shoe box!


Talk about one-of-a-kind super sexy art; modern burlesque maven, fetish supermodel, global fashion icon Dita Von Teese presents the final leg of her spectacular “BURLESQUE: STRIP, STRIP, HOORAY!” show. Coming to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York for a series of ending dates in September Dita presents a 90-minute show that features some of her most amazing numbers, plus MC Murray Hill and other burlesque stalwarts.

Dawnamatrix Premieres New Line Once Again At Montreal Fetish Weekend 2014

The new line’s name will be revealed in a few weeks and the actual line released Saturday 8/30 at our runway appearance at MFW. And as have we’ve done now for four years, we will also be collaborating with international models and photographers on photo shoots and participating in the Fetish Photo Walk, an organized stroll around Montreal that sees hundreds of the weekend’s attendees enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of Montreal. The residents of Montreal are very welcoming and curious so the walk, as is the entire weekend, is a very positive fun experience.

Comic-Con International: San Diego, 2014

On hand this year will be authors like Raymond Fiest, cartoon creators like Neal Adams and super celebs like BBC’s Sherlock/Khan/Smaug Benedict Cumberbatch to make fans crazy, Cosplay kids shake and sweat and major news outlets via for stories. Along the way there are panels and talks, previews and a film/T.V. schedule (including sneaks and premier footage) so secretive one won’t know exactly what is being shown until one grabs a program at the convention itself.

Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour

If you caught NBC’s airing of the “Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour,” on this past Sunday night of the July4th weekend count yourself as one of a small few. The show, two hours of live footage from the controversial twerkers present tour from Spain and Portugal drew a mere 2 million. That sounds like a lot of viewers but seeing as this weekend in the U.S. was one for repeats because of the holiday Miley’s show was the lowest rated, least watched program of the night across American TV sets.