At the end of the year most of us come into a reflective mood, as reflective as a beGloss-lubed latex catsuit. Looking to 2019, one can’t help but consider 2018, and in the mix and match-up of what passed in a seeming blur of 12 months, Dawnamatrix has enjoyed another fantastic year. We spread our brand far and wide showing off our alternative couture, were interviewed and featured on websites and magazines and just got better at what we do. From designers, event producers, fashionistas, stylists and fans, as well as lots of regular folk with only a passing interest in latex couture, we met the most spectacular people. And once again we entered and won at the WOW Awards.
Considering an end-of-the-year wrap-up themselves, the good people at WOW sent over a happy holiday email. Wishing us all the best for the season, the World Of Wearable Art was especially celebrating their 30th anniversary and the 140 garments that appeared on stage at the WOW Awards Show this year. In their email were these pictures and videos; shots of the National WOW Museum exhibition which we told you about here and our Lady Ethereal garment winner that is displayed at the museum. And the videos (see here and here) show the two specific separate moments when our wardrobe pieces were presented at the WOW show in September of this year: Under The Microscope: Foreign Bodies and in the Reflective Surfaces category, the Lady Ethereal piece.
Static professional pictures of a wardrobe piece being displayed in a museum are thrilling to see. But catching the live-as-it-happened on-stage WOW presentations (especially in that we were not able to be there this year) is a great thrill. Just look at how the Foreign Bodies bounce! It’s fantastic stuff from WOW and a testament to their continued innovative staging.
Happy Holidays to WOW and a Happy Holiday and the most wonderful of New Year to everyone far and wide, readers of this blog and not. Here’s to a wonderful 2019!