Will The Real Kendall Jenner Please Stand Up

Admittedly, we are used to the various Jenner-Kardashians sparking the blog o’ sphere by stepping out in latex couture, making news with their multiple brands…just being themselves. This week Kendall Jenner managed to ‘step out’ in some interesting ways, and one wasn’t exactly her. With the recent unfortunate events in Minneapolis and the protests raised …


Ashanti Breaks Paper

Although they have yet to have any of their celebs wear any real latex wardrobe in their effort to ‘Break the Internet,’ this month Paper Magazine is featuring Ashanti in some stunning couture. In the “Ashanti Comes Full Circle” piece, writer Michael Love Michael with photographer Alexei Hay, give the world an updated look (and …


Minaj À Trois Breaks The Internet

Seeing that Kim Kardashian didn’t break anything on her own cover of this same magazine three years ago, Nicki Minaj will probably not break anything either. But boy is the lady always upping the ante on what she might do and how she comes to wear latex and other alternate fashions to pretty much make our day.