The 2022 Pirelli Calendar
Pirelli pivoted from what some would call a “pinup aesthetic” about a decade ago, with their models, now men and women from all walks of life, more modestly covered.
Pirelli pivoted from what some would call a “pinup aesthetic” about a decade ago, with their models, now men and women from all walks of life, more modestly covered.
Social distancing and self-quarantining continue, but that doesn’t mean latex fashions, lingerie mix-and-matching, big-time fashion events, celebrity postings, and yes, even a little sex-positivity, stops. Below are some of our favorite stories from the beginning of this week. During the last two months or so, we have seen plenty of celebrities logging lots of time …
Yes, when it comes to fashion statements, we sexy costume, cosplay, latex outfit wearers have known the power of a corset (for both men and women) for a very long time. You know how it goes, they eventually catch-on to what we have been doing for decades. They suddenly realize that you might just turn heads by wearing specific pieces of lingerie on the outside of your clothes…or just the lingerie with a little jacket over it. Or they start taking to a specific material-latex maybe-and call because one or two big time celebs get seen out and about it a latex catsuit once in a while, or somebody sports a pair of leather gloves to the elbow. We can’t be haters for the John·ny (or Jill)-come-late·lies though, they are just getting hip to what we have already known and have to be patient enough to lead by example.
It’s official. Once you land an Annie Leibovitz Vanity Fair cover, you might as well know you have as much made your high couture stripes as you are going to be seen throughout the mainstream news. As had been indicated last week Leibovitz shot the first ever Bruce Jenner post transformation shots for an upcoming summer issue of Vanity Fair. The picture of that cover, a stunner, has been released today across the blog’o world, with the issue to appear on newsstands June 9th.