Looking For Fetish Models?

It’s not hard to understand why we come to rely on the sexy ladies and men of the fetish and alt. fashion world to make our latex clothing look the way we want it to. Dawnamatrix has worked with models across the U.S., in Europe and in Asia for fashion shows, in print and in video to make what we create look so perfectly pleasing. As we have often remarked, we couldn’t do what we do without these talented ladies and men…plus the talents of hair and makeup people too.

For the models specifically, we come to search far and wide. Sometimes we bring a small gaggle with us or we recruit from the talent pool in a country we are traveling to. At the beginning of this year Swedish alternative model Sister Sinister made searching for these models’ fans a bit easier by creating Terminal F, a website where models like her can be found. Located in Solingen, Germany (certainly a country known for its alternative fashion and play, and homebase for Marquis’s Peter Czernich who has contributed pictures to the Terminal F site) ladies like Psylocke, Lotte LaVey and MadMoiselle Peachy-and of course Sister Sinister-enjoy permanent residences on the site. They are served well with almost two hundred galleries, shot by the likes of Jess Janssen, Marilyn Yusuf, and Miss Mandy. Fans, and designers like us, can peruse their favorite model’s various looks and there are free and paid membership options offered.

Into the summer now and Terminal F. is getting lots of attention, as Sister Sinister attempts to lift the site from a mere membership spot fans can go to for buying pictures and other goodies from the models they love. As more women add to the website, its Sister Sinister’s hope that Terminal F will become the one-stop location for us all looking for talent in the fetish clothing world…and beyond.

We wish Terminal F the very best.

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