It’s good for a designer to reexamine a piece from time to time, in our case, one of our classic latex outfits. As you see from the pictures here, we have these wonderful pictures from a photoshoot featuring the stunning model Astrid Kallsen wearing the various pieces of our Dawnamatrix Butterfly Collection, in pictures taken by Noel Nichols.
I’ve worked with Astrid enough to know that when she came to me asking to take the Butterfly pieces for a shoot with Noel, I should jump at the chance. As you see, the results are nothing less than stellar; celebrating the renewal of Spring, right now, for when we need it most.

Astrid found this overgrown abandoned nursery north of Atlanta, knowing it would be the perfect setting. Among the many other photography subjects Noel works with, he is one of a growing group of folks who are interested in the “UrBex,” or urban exploration. This pursuit, sees people setting their sights on “the exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment.” as Wikipedia defines it. Surely you have seen the spooky overgrown scenes of long-ago forgotten amusement parks, gardens like this one Astrid found? Plenty of websites are devoted to the pictures and the time spent with people exploring these places. Here’s a website with more information on what Urbex is all about.
We have to agree, the marriage of the gone-to-wild abandoned surroundings, with Atrid’s perfect poses and graceful looks, Noel’s talent at capturing the moments do make for exquisite pictures. It’s as if the lady was birthed whole, as an otherworldly creature, in this specific place and time, wearing our Butterfly Collar, Butterfly Skirt, and Butterfly Corset.

We thank Astrid Kallsen and Noel Nichols for their time and talents. You can find them here and here.