For the past three years preparing the latex wardrobe creations we submit to the World of Wearable Art competition, we are always amazed how quickly the time speeds by. One WOW competition ends, and it seems we are all-too-soon getting some things ready for the next. In keeping us all on the jump of things, we just received this video, attached screenshots, and updated website link from this WOW 2020 promo.

As you will notice, and something we are certainly so proud of, in the video, our WOW winners, Gemini: The Twins and our Lady Ethereal, are featured. (Scroll down the website further, and you will find Ben and I smiling and showing off the competition collectible souvenir booklet…yes, we made the promo stuff here a few times!)

As the WOW website reports, the 2020 show will be directed by Malia Johnston, once again and the Preferential Sales Period is open until the end of this month. This“buy first” opportunity allows fans to chose the very best seats, the dates they wish to attend (the WOW show runs 9/24-10/11, with the 24th opening night, and the Saturday, the 25th, the actual award ceremony. People buying tickets during the early registration enjoy an automatic registration into the 2020 WOW Club. This club offers exclusive prize draws and “opportunities to experience even more WOW!”
As has been true of every World of Wearable Art show we’ve attended and the many more that happened before we began competing, the mix of light, sound, and textile art revealed on stage in New Zealand just after the summer is spectacular. And for a designer like us to be among such unique talent from so many countries, giving so much to the further development of wardrobe art and performance is something that inspires us daily in what we do all the way back here in the U.S.
Here’s to WOW!