Team Dawnamatrix filmed for Tokyo’s “Why did you come to Japan? 「Youは何し日本へ” TV show.

Dawnamatrix in JapanSuffering through some hellacious jet lag these first few days we have been home, still I am aching for someone-anyone-to ask me so ‘How was your trip to Japan?” Not that we didn’t think we’d find adventure after our 15-hour flight and totally enjoy the reason for the trip (a friend’s wedding in the country) but from the moment we landed circumstance came and grabbed us for a whirlwind we could never have dreamed as Dawnamatrix was filmed for Tokyo’s “Why did you come to Japan? 「Youは何し日本へ?」” TV show.

Westerners, Americans especially, are not the usual travelers coming through Japan airports, though the Japanese certainly love Americans. Team Dawnamtarix stood out even more than usual Americans (and we weren’t even wearing any wild latex clothing at the time) or at least enough to be approached when we landed by the TV crew for the popular show named above. Not only were we asked the show’s title question, but when we revealed our plans and what we did for a living we were asked if, when we returned to Tokyo post the wedding, would we agree to be featured on an episode of “Why did you come to Japan? 「Youは何し日本へ?」”.

The images you see here are from our day filming, wearing latex in Harajuku. We had a photo shoot in front of Meiji Jingu shrine in Harajuku, strolled down the fashionable Omotesando Street, and steeled our nerve (and palates) for some gourmet delicacies in Shinjuku.

The reactions of the passers-by were mixed with excitement and fascination.  Being followed by a documentary crew helped raise the interest level of course, but the models, the latex and the fun we were having created a ‘walking photo-opp.’ Dawnamatrix fashions fit right into the avant-garde vibe of Harajuku while at the same time we truly stood out from the 3

Living in Japan for a while as we have, being influenced by the culture so much-as evidenced by our latex kimono wear-and loving the people and country as we do, this visit with old friends and making new ones being on a T.V,. show of all things, was truly fantastic.

And that’s ‘how’ our trip to Japan was!Why Did You Come To Japan


Photos credits: Team Dawnamatrix, Models-Sarah and Mihoko, including show producer Yoshiki.


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