It’s not especially easy keeping up with modern pop divas pushing sonic boundaries, dropping eye-arresting videos, and cavorting in stunning latex couture. But it is fun trying to report on the latest and greatest.
The Swedish rapper COBRAH, who will release her EP Succubus next week, recently ‘dropped’ the singles “Manic, “Suck,” and “Feminine Energy,” just played a bunch of summer shows and has shown off some fantastic alt. styles and wardrobe.
And plenty of times, she’s wearing latex.
Her “Manic” music video (which you can see here) is a study of the lady wearing what seems to be her signature video and stage costuming look…some sort of black or white version of our favorite textile. Although Clara Blom Christensen (the lady’s actual name) has teased in latex and other provocative couture throughout her career, the simple yet alluring choices for her “Manic” video, directed by Ribal Hosn and Kurt Johnson, make for some bold looks.

As you see by the few pics we have included here (and surely when you come to watch the video), what COBRAH gets into here takes her usual choices to a whole other level. From the full head-and-face black mesh latex mask, high shiny black latex heels with sky-high spikey heels, equally shiny black tights, and fantastic full black body fishnet and head-to-toe white latex bodysuit COBRAH showcases a wide variety of styles.
Choosing a basic color palette here seems to be COBRAH’s way more often than not when you take a look back at her other costume choices, be it on stage or in video. She also makes use (again, as you see in “Manic”) of various long hairstyles.

Just announcing some Australian live dates for 2024 and still touring through 2023, and again, her new EP about to be dropped; we will no doubt be hearing and seeing more of COBRAH…and in lots of latex, hopefully.