Accessorizing Your Latex Look

DamaskHoodMain121-368x552Just as every drink doesn’t necessarily need a hors-d’oeuvre, not every latex outfit needs an accessory. But sometimes you might want to dress-up your look, add a little something extra, outfit that outfit with some sparkle, or put on a little something that will take you in a completely different direction with your ensemble. How does one approach accessorizing their latex look?

Less Is More

A little clutch might make more of the statement you are looking for then a big purse (plus be easier to carry). Yes, that hood might just be perfect for that outfit, but do you need the tail as well (surely, we will sell you both!) Or have you the tail, do you need the goggles, or if you have the goggles need you the…you get the point. Don’t overburden your wardrobe with too many extras, or if you do have the sensibilities to overdo the accessories, then pile them on as tastefully as you can so they don’t clash…unless you are looking for a bold statement of clashing that no one is soon to forget.

Careful With That Bling

If you are not accessorizing your latex outfit with latex, but still want to keep things alternative, you might want to be aware of just what ‘bling’ you bring to your overall presentation. We all know fully well that latex can pull and tear, but sometimes when you are in the middle of dressing to go out, rushing to put together a killer costume or even a sexy corset for a private party, you forget that slipping on a spiked cool bracket, or buckling a particular pair of boots might just cause damage to the fine latex pieces you already have on.

Go Ahead, Stretch Out

Allowing for the two cautions above, as we advised a few blogs ago in our The 3 Things You Can Do To Get Your Latex Look Looking Even Better feel free to get as sexy/fun/over-laden with the accessories as you like. We have enough latex accessories for both men and women to push your look to stratospheric heights of wildness, as to make an outfit just made from just accessories (if you be daring in that way).

Really, feel free to fee free here. Take our advice on accessorizing and fit it into your own sensibilities.



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