2018 Latex Predictions-Part 1

Looking ahead into 2018 what do you ‘see’ when you consider latex in your life? Are you looking to buy a new latex kimono or might this be the year you finally wiggle your sexy self into some steampunk inspired gear? Are you planning to take in any of a number of those lifestyle events happening around the world, as much to network as to play as to simply dress up? Are you looking to branch out in your fantasy costuming to include some rubber clothing or PVC into your rotation? Maybe this is the year that you finally tell that special someone how you really feel about them…or at least how you really feel about cosplay?

To paraphrase a mid-80’s semi-MTV hit: “The future’s so bright we need to wear shades…from the shine off our lubed latex.”

The resplendent colors we used this past year in making Dawnamatrix outfits will become even more popular, we predict. Rest assured, whatever bespoke item you are imagining for the New Year there will be plenty of rich color for your outfit. As for styles coming back or being retired? You know how it is for us wearers of alt. outfits; we don’t seem to as much be influenced by trends, as we make them.

If there is one trend that we might see more of in 2018, maybe it will be more of the mixing and matching of latex couture with other art forms. We are specifically thinking of what we saw when we participated in the The Cars and Couture Fashion Show and how even the World of WearableArt Museum is featuring the Nelson Classic Car Collection alongside the winning outfits from the WOW show this year. We can only wonder where this all might take us as we see our runway dreams and outfitting showcased right alongside the sleek lines of other popular cultural art.

And while your personal predictions and our hopes might be many, in part two of our 2018 Latex Predictions, we will try and cast our crystal ball into how we assume latex couture will be growing leaps and bounds in society at large.

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