A Personal “Fifty Shades Of Grey” Movie Review
We’re all adults here, let’s speak plainly. There is a certain alternative lifestyle approach to wearing latex for lots of us who wear it. Within that lifestyle sometimes fits cosplay, role-play and fetish…among fashion and high couture wardrobe needs and wear. Yes, there are those of us who as much enjoy wearing something like our latex micro ruffle skirt (see here) as there are those of us who would want it lifted up ever so slowly to receive a right solid smack on the fanny while wearing it (of saints be praised, say it ain’t so!) Yes a long latex cape might just be the sexiest accessory you own, but it certainly can cut either quite the sub or dom look in how its worn. Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson may not be anything like what you picture Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey to look like and the action in Fifty Shades far unlike anything you ever experienced (or simply not as intense) but let’s face it, for lots of us latex aficionados the happenings in E.L. James’ trilogy are not unknown to us, at least in concept, if not in actual practice.