You want latex outfits? Well, the UK Fetish Awards had latex outfits!

As previously reported, Riri Images and Zara Rose were the hosts at the red-carpet UK Fetish Awards, presented at the Proud Embankment in London. And although the awards went off a few days later than expected, with this specific who’s who of content creators and fetish faithful attending, as you can see here, the event went off swimmingly.

Dipping our toes back into alt. fashion get-togethers (pretty much getting back together in general) and party happenings in a post-Covid world, those at the UK Fetish Awards gathering were well supported by known brands/producers on the scene; Libidex, Bondara, Vivishine, Live Gemini, and Darkside Magazine, to name a few. And in addition to creators like “Latex24/7,” winning for “Best Blog/Magazine,” and Miss Ruby Alexia for winning “Best Fetish Model,” there was so much for attendees to do.
And be seen wearing.
As libations poured, high-wire skill acts performed, and folks enjoyed their canoodling/networking with people coming together for this great big hang where lots of these folks only ever ‘hang’ across social media. Surely, this UK get-together draws heavily from a specific community of Londoners and slightly beyond, but a gathering like this also brings in folks from far and wide. And very many meet at something like the UK Fetish awards for the very first time or enjoy seeing each other once again.

As you can see from the various pics littered throughout this blog, latex couture was certainly the go-to wardrobe of the night. Not that any of us should be surprised, but seeing such a display all in one place, and worn so well, is thrilling.
One should be planning well for next year’s UK Fetish Awards, and one can do so by going here now.