Where To Find The Latex Faithful: Latex 24/7

We have been alerted to news from and mentioned the Latex24/7 site here before. UK-based as they are, this site of latex aficionados offers a good amount of news and retail latex couture reporting from their country but also covers the globe. Their ‘Where to Buy Wednesday’ feature (see here) gives buyers of our favorite textile the latest and greatest where to buy latex wardrobes and accessories and their Latex Fashion Directory (and if you click on the link, you will be taken to page 7, where, we are honored to be listed), features a listing of designers from around the world.

We also just learned that Latex 24/7 has a Discord portal that they welcome everyone to (see here). So, here is another place we can all come to talk about what we wear, where we buy it, how we care for it, and how we mix and match it. And ultimately, why we come to love latex so much. 

Latex24/7 is a great big depository we can’t get enough of.

A spin around the web these days will as much bring up big bulging sites like Latex 24/7 as personal blogs about alternative fashion, cosplay, and fetish wear (which almost always will have some mention of latex) to blogs like ours, specific designers giving forth their views and news on what we feel most important. Then there are simply posts from people comparing and contrasting their experiences currently with what they wear, from the mild to the wild.

Really, there is so much out there.

Those of us who have either created latex garments for a while, have been wearing them when the layman most knew them as fetish wear (which we all knew they always were so much more…not that anybody, anywhere, should have a problem with fetish wear!) or have been fantasizing about latex, knowing there is a great big wide world of the couture like-minded out and about, and reachable with a mere finger flip or mouse move, is so very empowering.

Happy 4th to our friends and family in the US, and a wonderful beginning of July to us all…wearers of latex and whatever else. 

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