Dawnamatrix Gold Latex Gown In Kelly Padrick’s New Video “Radiance”

As a designer of decidedly alternative wardrobe pieces and accessories Dawnamatrix finds itself gravitating round many an interesting creative opportunity to show our stuff. You can as much catch us and our wares at fetish lifestyle parties, runway outings and model shoots, as you might see our outfits featured in movies and music video. In fact, if one really considers this wondrous material we work with and how exquisitely it hugs the curves and contours of one’s body, and how all manner of ‘looks’ can be achieved from even the simplest latex garment (really, just think how many uses somebody could have for a catsuit?) and how we fashion costume pieces as much as everyday-wear items, it is no wonder that people seek out designers like us to outfit performers appearing in music videos.
We recently provided a gold latex gown for singer Kelly Padrick to use in the video for her song “Radiance” (see https://vimeo.com/117717527)

Kelly’s songs have appeared in shows such as Desperate Housewives, MTV’s Big Tips Texas and in the Fox Searchlight film Trust the Man. The three minute + clip for this angelic piano ode feature lots of different looks for Kelly (one need applaud her hair stylist Richard Cardindal as much as her makeup person, Nisha Catherine Sharma) and thankfully lots of our gown. There are some great moments halfway through the piece where she dances with her costar Eric Benton and we get great swirly moments of the gown’s skirt swishing the space. (Lots of our dresses and gowns flow this way, have a look here.)

Kelly also has a few moments lying on her bed in sexy seamed stockings and black bra…though not ours, we still like to point out sexy couture when we see it.

Director/editor/producer here, Patricia Chica uses the wonderful talents of cinematographer Martin Bouchard DOP to the fore at both inside and outside locations in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, to make this 8th video of Kelly’s really something special. Chica is well known for her creative documentaries of often alternative subjects and in this video you see her creativity taking hold. In fact, as is made clear in an anecdote written in the notes of the video, a huge dragonfly just happened to light on both Kelly and her costar and Chica decided to use the happy accident to make a most delicious scene.

Happy accidents and talented people, a wonderful song from a unique artist and a gown from Dawnamatrix…what could be better?


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