New Zealand’s The Big Idea, a self-described “home for creatives,” features a wonderful picture of our latex couture on their online hub this week, in their great big story on Andy Packer, The World Of Wearable Art Award show director.
In their Curiosity and chaos piece (see here WOW), NZ’s online hub of daily news updates, job opportunities, and event listing for creatives delves deep into who Mr. Packer is and how he came to work with WOW.
With his eighteen months of planning for the premier fashion/culture event that spans a full three weeks, Packer has been busy indeed. And although he carries a background in various live performances, from orchestra to opera, and is the Artistic Director of his own theatre company, Slingsby, WOW is proving to be like no other experience the talented man has yet encountered. And as he has found, the wardrobe at WOW “are the stars.”
Pretty much what we have come to think of the event as well.
In The Big Idea’s piece, one also learns that Mr. Packer and staff have to surf the challenge of only meeting the final garments two months prior to the show’s opening on September 26th. And all of us global designers thought we were under a tight deadline!
As we all know and Mr. Packer makes clear, it really is the team behind him that makes the WOW show work. He praises the men and women who he’s been working with here as embodying that “kiwi creativity” and a certain “can-do attitude.”
Smack dab in the middle of Georgie Bloomfield’s reporting The Big Idea set a picture of our the latex outfit “The Messenger.” We created this wardrobe design with Lana Crooks, entering into 2017’s WOW and winning 3rd place in the event’s “RED” category.
Thank you, Georgie Bloomfield, for including us, and thank you, Mr. Packer, for all you are doing this year to bring off another fantastic show.

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