A Sneak Preview of World of WearableArt – Up Close | Ao KākahuToi – Kia Tata

WOW especially hopes for attendees to immerse themselves in what they see and enjoy our garments in an up-close-and-personal way, something not so easily accomplished at the huge WOW competition. To make sure of this, even in the face of Covid-19, WOW ensures that the strictest of protocols will be enacted and enforced, with plenty of room for social distancing between groups.

WOW, New Zealand and Gemini: The Twins

For three years in a row, we have been honored to have won awards at WOW and two of those three years, the first and this last one, Ben and I traveled to New Zealand. As we have always found both times visiting, New Zealand is just so wonderful and the capital city, where WOW is held, Wellington, so welcoming to WOW.