There’s Yellow Color Latex and then there are…bananas

Working in latex as we do, we know plenty about how a good many materials can make (or break) new wardrobe trends and influence styles. Or simply set a company on its way. So often experimentation in new textiles, be they natural or not, become a ‘one person’s trash/plant by-product/new polymer becomes another person’s couture,’ type of consideration. And sometimes the world even changes because of the new stuff, be it a new color of latex or a thinner leather sheeting.

But banana peels?

According to Interesting Engineering, scientists from Northumbria University, partnering with their fellow Pakistan researchers just found that banana peels not only make eco-friendly textiles but clean energy. And in a country like Pakistan, where farming the long yellow fruit creates 80 million tons of waste yearly, it makes sense to find good uses for leftover peels and other banana waste. And, furthermore, in this country especially where half of the rural area uses dirty fuels, a cleaner energy source is surely an energy source to work for. And with Pakistan’s textile industry polluting the ecosystem in a substantial way (by their own admission of their emissions), this breakthrough for the country could not have been more important.

The process here begins with the left-over banana ‘stuff’ being converted into fibers. Then whatever is left is used as the aforementioned renewable energy, creating electricity, or syngas. A by-product of this process also sees the creation of biofertilizers. It’s a win win for all involved.

The Innovate UK company has awarded $396,000 to Pakistan’s SAFER product initiative to further convert and work their textile banana waste in the ensuing year. And although, as seen here, clothing being made from banana fiber is nothing new, in a country where there is major banana production and up until now not enough electricity to power this enterprise, this new UK infusion of money will push through to the end goal.

We all might just see Pakistan banana clothing very soon, for that country as maybe even an export. And good clean power.

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