The 25th Anniversary of Christina Aguilera: Spotify Anniversaries Live…and Latex

Christina Aquilera wearing latex? Who’d thunk it?! The 43-year-old diva celebrated the release of her debut album, Christina Aguilera, in partnership with Spotify, this week. The streaming service and Aguilera partnered on The 25th Anniversary of Christina Aguilera: Spotify Anniversaries Live meet-up and release, giving Xtina fans a chance to revisit their favorite songs via their favorite …


Heidi In Latex, Belinda Recovers, L’Oréal Rocks

Sometimes all it takes is one spectacular lady wearing a simple latex dress to make a moment special. Even in the face of a lot of other fashions, we all know how our most favorite textile worn by a stunning model, a pop diva, a sultry sexy male actor or can surely make a statement. …


Prada Accessorizes

We have often mentioned how latex accessories can bring quite the fashionable ‘uptick’ to a wardrobe. Even a wardrobe that doesn’t include any other latex. Gloves, shoes, and even jewelry can add to one’s overall alt. fashion attempt, as well as what we will be on about in what follows. So much can make or …


OrlanDo’s Look, A Banana at The Emmy’s, Cher Is An Angel

Be they involving latex, an alternative fashion moment, or some cosplay news, you know how we often like to grab a bunch of stories from the news cycle and give them an airing from time to time here. No, we are certainly not above ‘acquiring’ these little snippets, from the sublime to the serious to …


The 2024 VMA’s

The glitz, music, red carpet, and surely the leather, lace, and even sometimes, yes latex couture at the yearly VMA’s always make for good blog posts, tweets, and many day-after critiques. Although we have seen MTV’s unique answer to the Grammy’s now through four decades, it’s those wardrobes that never disappoint, no matter who wins …


Paris Hilton Teaches At Her Academy Wearing Latex

Stealing an RV containing her bespoke outfits did not stop Paris Hilton from infusing her new “Bad Bitch Academy” video with scrumptious latex couture. As she presses flesh and throws parties for her new album, with this third single, Paris Hilton presents herself as the startling singular lady she has always been. In this new …


Nadia Lee Cohen takes on Allen Jones…In A good way

One doesn’t have to wear latex, enjoy the avant-garde, or even know iconic art all that much to have heard of British pop artist Allen Jones. His work, featured in various collections, from the Tate Museum in the UK to the Warwick Arts Centre, was seen as a standard for pop art of the 60s …


Clothes Cloak Humans From AI

Whether or not AI can catch you wearing some piece of latex couture or replicate you wearing it to post a deep fake pic of you later (and if it would even want to), is yet to be seen. But concern over AI generators rendering wholly created images or mix-and-matching pieces of already existing pictures …
