Madonna Returns….Is There Latex?

While Madonna has certainly given us all a good look-see of lace, leather, and, yes, latex costumes in her stage costumes of past, it was anybody’s guess what we’d get when the Material Lady returned to concert stages.

Sports Illustrated & Lenya Bloom Make History

As to be expected, we love it when some latex outfit, or a cool piece of wardrobe makes a cultural statement. Whether being introduced in a new haute couture collection or worn on some performer’s body, almost daily we see, read and are delighted by some news about another alternative or sexy outfit sparking the zeitgeist worn by one of our brightest, best and most popular.

Dawnamatrix And Animals: Vogue and Ville

Latex outfits and animals is what Dawnamatrix has been about most recently. While we jet on over to New Zealand for the Wearable Art Show (and yes, there will be pictures and stories about this trip coming here soon) we have also been involved with some feathery as well as tough-hided friends.

Dawnamatrix In Los Pazos

For us it’s not always just about latex clothing, high fashion alternative models, talented photographers or runways. Sometimes it’s where we find our wares, in lush locations, in faraway surreal landscapes or even busy streets bustling with nightlife and attitude that brings a thrill. In this recent posting: of an article that first appeared …


Dawnamatrix, Katy Perry and U.S. Vogue

Our excitement over Katy Perry wearing out latex couture in the new Covergirl “Plumpify” Mascara commercial continues. We have just learned that a print add from the commercial-showing Dawnamatrix couture-has appeared in a two-page spread in the January 2016 issue of U.S. Vogue.

Celebrating Photographer Mary Ellen Mark

Moving from her home state of Pennsylvania to NYC in the mid 60’s, Mark chronicled lots of the city’s social ills in the last half of the decade and beyond. As much a photographer as documentarian filmmaker, with her husband director Martin Bell she created the much celebrated (and Academy Award nominated) film Streetwise, a movie that chronicled three decades of a crack-addicted prostitute and was indicative of those ‘tougher’ subjects Mark was interested in (Streetwise actually began as photographic expose Mark was commissioned to shoot for Life magazine.)